Teeming with awe-inspiring architecture, dramatic hills, rugged coastline and picturesque bays.

Gozo is an island that consistently delivers one incredible landscape after another, whatever the season.

With an area of 67 square km, the island is also home to megalithic temples that are older than the pyramids, a Baroque-style church with the 3rd largest unsupported dome in the world AND stunning geological features like Calypso Cave; as well as man-made ones like Marsalforn’s chequerboard rock cut salt pans, stretching out to the sea and often mirroring the sky above.

Factor in the fact that Gozo regularly experiences 300 days of sunshine a year and it’s no wonder that photographers and film-makers flock to our island, as they endeavor to find fresh ways to capture Gozo’s enchanting beauty.

Gozo’s size and proximity of diverse, dramatic landscapes are a natural playground for photographers seeking to capture nature, people and the island’s beauty as it changes across seasons.

In today’s VisitGozo blog, we feature amazing aerial images of our island from photographers and film-makers who have captured Gozo from the skies.

Drone pilot and documentary maker, Nathan Jeremy from the UK has shot aerial footage in 20 counties.  He spent a week travelling throughout the Maltese islands in November 2018 and although he only had 12 hours in Gozo, he managed to produce this amazing film which takes us on a 60 second whistle-stop tour of Gozo.

Nathan says: “Gozo is perfect location to fly a drone as there are not a lot of people and the island isn’t overly busy.  A lot of Gozo’s amazing sites are coastal which makes for ideal drone flying with the right wind conditions. The architecture is bold and beautiful dominating the landscape, so it’s easy to make it look spectacular.”

“Because of my limited time I had to fly most of the time in bright sunshine.  By using filters, I was still able to capture some cinematic footage.  I want to return and spend a week in Gozo, so I can plan more shots and take more photos.”

This fascinating film shot by a Maltese based drone pilot and cinematographer Zlatko Zlatanovski highlights the diversity of Gozo’s coastal landscapes; starting out at Marsalforn’s popular bay and then swooping low over Xwejni Saltpans, the Wied l-Għasri Valley and the limestone arch at Wied il-Mielaħ.

Professional photographer, film-maker and world traveler Kurt Arrigo went one step further when he documented Gozo on film.  His mesmerising short film incorporates aerial and underwater footage allowing us a unique vantage point of Gozo as experienced from the skies and below sea level.


Duncan Micallef is a local semi-professional drone pilot and a member of the Malta Drone Owners Group; who has been capturing aerial landscapes throughout our islands for over 4 years.

He says: “Gozo has some unique places like the Inland Sea, San Blas Bay and a lot of picturesque old buildings which give your footage a real vintage feel.  Plus, the light in the summer is amazing, you’re guaranteed bright crisp filming days – but then even on cloudy days you end up with very dramatic footage”.

“Before I fly, I always do thorough planning, you must have a permit.  Then, when you are up in the sky you really just have to fly and feel.  You can see your shots and plan much better once you’re airborne.  I’d advise less experienced pilots to try and fly in pairs, so that one can act as a lookout and can give you a heads up with regards to any issues or obstacles you’ll need to be aware of.”

And now, for a capturing film that will leave you wanting to take flight – or to book a flight to Gozo – as it takes you on transfixing aerial journey from the stunning dome of Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary and up through the Way of the Cross at Ta’ Għammar Hill.  Shot by Gozo Moto Adventures, it encapsulates all the elements of a perfect drone film; sunsets, stunning architecture, sensational scenery and a steady hand.

PLEASE NOTE:   When flying a drone in Gozo – ALL pilots must download and submit a self-declaration form prior to any flight AND must obey these strict parameters at all times. This form can be found via the Transport Malta website – here 

With thanks to:  Nathan Jermy and Duncan Micallef (aka duncan_dronenuts)