Nestled in the heart of the remarkable Xagħra plateau on the island of Gozo, the Ġgantija Archaeological Park complex stands as a unique prehistoric marvel. This extraordinary site features two structures, constructed between approximately 3600 and 3200 BC.

Remarkably well-preserved despite its ancient origins, Ġgantija showcases the impressive craftsmanship of Neolithic builders. They utilised both the durable Coralline Limestone, prominent throughout the monument, and the softer Globigerina Limestone, which was used for intricate interior details like doorways, altars, and decorative slabs.

The complex comprises two structures, each with its own entrance yet sharing a common boundary wall. These structures include multiple apses arranged around a central corridor. Notably, fragments of plaster with red ochre, now exhibited at the Ġgantija Archaeological Park Interpretation Centre, indicate that the interior walls were once plastered and painted.

Animal bone remnants found at the site hint at communal rituals and feasting, with stone hearths suggesting the use of fire. Additionally, several libation holes in the floor may have served for liquid offerings. It is believed that ceremonial gatherings took place outside the monument, in a large forecourt intentionally raised by its builders.

Visitors enter the Ġgantija Archaeological Park through an Interpretation Centre, which offers insights into Neolithic life. The centre also displays a selection of significant artefacts unearthed from various prehistoric sites across Gozo, providing a deeper understanding of this fascinating era.

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A UNESCO World Heritage Site